by Meriem Bouslouk-Marx | 10 Feb 2023
While the last day of February is known as the Rare Disease Day, the first days of February 2023 mark the start of changes for rare diseases at the G-BA in Germany. So let us explore why February is a special month for orphan drugs at the G-BA! On 2 February 2023, the...
by Meriem Bouslouk-Marx | 6 Dec 2022
Why does this year’s World Orphan Drug Congress in the province of Barcelona still feel so special? I DID NOT represent my former employer, the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) in Germany. I DID NOT present any update on the G-BA benefit assessment of orphan drugs under...
by Meriem Bouslouk-Marx | 18 Jul 2022
In the current draft of the Act on the Stabilisation of Finances for the Statutory Health Insurance in Germany, the threshold for orphan drugs shall decrease from currently €50 to €20m. A déjà vu? But wasn’t it €30m last time this was mentioned? Would €25m be a...
by Meriem Bouslouk-Marx | 1 Jun 2022
Back on stage! This year’s RAPS Euro Convergence in Amsterdam gave Dr. Meriem Bouslouk-Marx the floor to outline the interdependencies of EU and national legislative reviews. She analysed the implications of potential changes of the EU Orphan legislation such as...
by Meriem Bouslouk-Marx | 28 Feb 2022
Oral and maxillofacial surgery was one major discipline during my last years of dental medicine at the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena. I was intrigued by the strange names of diseases and syndromes such as Hodgkin’s, non-Hodgkin’s and...
by Meriem Bouslouk-Marx | 15 Mar 2021
Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) especially those for the treatment of rare diseases are innovative but also very expensive medicines. For payers, they constitute a new challenge. How will financing advanced therapies work in Germany? Two invited experts...