Hello, I am Meriem Bouslouk-Marx

the Founder of MBM Future Health

I advise global companies on evidence-based decision making as basis for reimbursement of their medicines in Germany. The benefit assessment of new medicinal products has been the centre of my work for 15 years – 10 years at Germany’s top health policy body, the G-BA.

After my Baccalauréat at Lycée Descartes in Rabat, Morocco, I graduated with a PhD in Dental Medicine from the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany and hold a postgraduate Master of Science in International Health from the Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin.

At the beginning of my career, I worked with international Public Health projects in Africa, also in dental offices in Berlin.

When Germany introduced AMNOG, the legislation on the benefit assessment of medicinal products, in 2011, I joined the initial small team at the Federal Joint Committee G-BA in charge of implementing the procedure. In this position, I prepared binding national decisions published in the Federal Gazette.

My main responsibilities included preparing and leading scientific consultations with pharmaceutical companies on clinical trial design and health policy with the participation of regulatory authorities. In addition, I assessed dossiers to prepare G‑BA resolutions.

Dr. Meriem Bouslouk-Marx, Founder of MBM Future Health

‘Combining integrity and enthusiasm induces the best value.’

My particular focus from the outset was on the benefit assessment of new orphan drugs. I co-ordinated the specific German policy procedure for their assessment.

Furthermore, I was entrusted to promote the G-BA’s work at international level: I gave lectures and speeches – within and outside the G‑BA – and strengthened partnerships with other European and international organisations.

Until today, national and international relationships are an asset for my business. Besides German, I speak French, Arabic and English and have basic knowledge of Spanish.

Equipped with my experience, I have been supporting my clients worldwide for several years with my company MBM Future Health.

Meriem Bouslouk in action

Lecturer and Speaker at the Market Access Society (MAS). MORE INFORMATION

Adviser at Project HERCULES, a Duchenne UK Global Collaboration. MORE INFORMATION

Speaker at the Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency Anvisa. GENE AND ADVANCED THERAPIES: Creating Value in the Patient Journey and the Health System. MORE INFORMATION

Adviser with the Alliance for Regenerative Medicine (ARM). Getting Ready: Recommendations for Timely Access to Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) in Europe. MORE INFORMATION


Meriem Bouslouk in references

AMED, Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development (2020) Development Trend Survey of Ultra Orphan Drugs. MORE INFORMATION

Schoonveld, E. (2020). The Price of Global Health: Drug Pricing Strategies to Balance Patient Access and the Funding of Innovation (3rd ed.). Routledge. MORE INFORMATION

OECD, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (2018) Pharmaceutical Reimbursement and Pricing in Germany. MORE INFORMATION

Meriem Bouslouk in publications

Tagesspiegel Background

Mit der EMA auf der Überholspur/With EMA on the fast track

I take a stance on the political decisions and procedures for approval and distribution of vaccines in Germany and in the EU, also in the light of public criticism. FREE FULL TEXT

Pharmaceutical Executive

Efficacy Controversy Hits European COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

Donald Macarthur and I discuss post-approval findings of national committees in Europe for the use of a new COVID-19 vaccine in their populations. FREE FULL TEXT


Expert Opinion

G-BA benefit assessment of new orphan drugs in Germany

My experience at the Federal Joint Committee G-BA with the benefit assessment of orphan drugs in Germany under AMNOG. FREE FULL TEXT